1st try & 1st taste of this soup!
It's so fresh and full of enegy soup.Make me feel I'm in a fany restaurant!
Adapted from PW Ree.
Pre time: 15 mins
Cook time: 5 mins
Chil time: 2 hrs
1/2 whole Red Onion, Diced
1 whole Large Cucumber, Diced
3 whole Tomatoes, Diced
1/2 Sweet red pepper
1 dash Salt To Taste
2 whole canned Tomatoes
1 green peper
1/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 dash black pepper to taste
Preparation Instructions
In the bowl of a food
processor or in a blender, combine the minced garlic with half the red onion,
half the cucumber, half the tomato, half the zucchini, half the celery, half
the tomato juice, olive oil, red wine vinegar, sugar, Tabasco , and a dash of salt.
放進大碗中, 將剩下的番茄汁, 洋蔥, 小黃瓜, 番茄, 節瓜, 芹菜都倒進去.(記得留一些蔬菜作裝飾)
稍微攪拌一下, 嚐嚐看夠不夠味, 用鹽巴調味一下, 放進冰箱冷卻最少幾個小時, 這道湯品越冰越好喝
從冰箱拿出攪拌均勻, 最後再嚐嚐調味夠不夠, 用湯勺放進大碗中, 用剩下的蔬菜,一小片酪梨, 酸奶, 香菜來裝飾. 最後, 放上烤過的蝦, 幾片烤好的麵包, 上桌囉!!
炎炎夏日的極致晚餐, 就是這味啦!!